Please post a comment or criticism. I value your opinion and lets share with others. With the world seemingly falling apart lets all do our best to make it better. You know things are so crazy now I am really starting to wonder about 2012. Check out the posts, comments and adverts as we are all in this together and need to support each other any way we can. Cheers! Kelly Carter
There is something to be said about getting away for the weekend on a camping trip with your friends. Fresh air, few distractions and new surroundings help set the stage for a relaxed comradery and the enviable campfire chats. A great social event. In your preparations for your trip you would plan on a suitable location, include some sort of shelter, food and water, various types of clothing, some alcohol and fireworks perhaps and of course your family pet. Your outdoorsperson prowess is on the line with this event and with all other eyes rolling, you posture yourself by rubbing two sticks together trying to start a fire. Of course you have a lighter, everyone does. If fact you have a propane stove, cooler fridge, lanterns, soft bed, makeup kit, toilet paper, DVD player, cell phone, wireless laptop and a fully fueled automobile just ten feet away just in case you had forgotten anything. You are prepared and as you fumble with your new Swiss Army knife to open a cold one you think to yourself …It’s great to get away but I know I must go back. The Amish have the good life. Unburdened by the stress of our modern lifestyle they seem content in their low tech lives and have continued their generations long self-sufficient traditions. Living by their hand, they control their future directly by hard work and the understanding that any payoff is dependent on the individual. Cooperation is also part of the Amish life as fields are prepared with friends and homes are built with neighbors. It is the 19th century today with horse drawn plows, butter churns, and lye powered washboards, group sing-alongs and apple cider. Truly a hammer and nails lifestyle. A lifestyle dependent only on you, your livestock and your tools. Your tools. The young can leave this paradise. In fact its encouraged.” I have to get away” they think, but most will come back.
There were no cavemen. Simply put there are/were not enough caves to house everyone let alone caves close to a water source. Our ancestors lived in shelters. Shelters made by hand with materials found close by and with knowledge and skill few persons alive today possess. Some caves were used as shelters yes but most caves were ritual shamanistic places used for worship and enlightenment. The early churches. Cavemen collected nuts, fruits, tubers and berries for their staple diet and clothed themselves with skins and fibers. Hand collected and hand crafted, the essence of these early people depended on the knowledge of nature. Medical plants, migrations, seasonal growth, weaving grass and cleaving stone all a fundamental part of survival. A hard life exposed to the elements, predators, disease and most importantly exposed to yourself. You want to get away you think and ask the cave “can I go back?”.
A great cataclysm is coming. You will not need to plan for this camping trip, no dates, no weather predictions, no vacation time; in fact this trip is unlike any you have had. It’s a trip we will all go on and have gone since the beginning of time. Whether you’re a Wall Street Investor, Amish farmer or caveman weaver we will face this trip on the same terms. Ourselves. As individuals. Who will you be? Survival depends on skills. Skills relevant to the conditions at hand and the conditions you will face will require a new mindset. Talk to your friends and neighbors, read about organic farming, learn about medicinal plants, practice physical fitness and pick a new profession. A profession based on you; what you can do as an individual. Time is short and you must act now. You are measured in the heavens, your place, and your time. Please believe me when I tell you cannot get away and there is no going back.
The world has seemingly gone crazy. Economic disasters, climate disasters and ecology disasters are constantly making the headlines. The end seems near and these current events have caused a tizzy of theories about the coming disaster like so many cardboard ducks in an amusement park shooting gallery. The most notable of which is the Mayan long count calendar ending on December 21st 2012 with some sort of cosmic alignment and resultant disaster. Booksellers delight. Just what is the Mayan culture and does it have connections with a very ancient cult. A cult with global influence, a cult that has preserved the knowledge of reoccurring global disaster. The cult to which all this disaster talk is based? Yes, the fire cult.
The Fire cult was born of social and economic disasters and the resulting human desire to make sense of this cruel world we find ourselves living in. Its roots go far back, probably more than 30000 years in India. In this time humans watched the skies, not looking up but looking down into large pools of water as you watch the latest episode of Ellen. Called the Watchers, they had concepts like the underworld and the stars making their journeys across the heavens in a boat. The important concept was their understanding that the cosmic show being watched directly influenced their life, and yours. It was real. Your future and the future of your children was and is affected by the heavenly bodies. The fire cult related the heavens and earth to the human body by means of 5 centers. The feet represented the earth, the torso water and air and the head with fire leading to heaven. This is the origin of the Vedic chakras. In this fire cult ceremony you must draw directional arrows in the ground, set a 5 tier alter, sacrifice 5 animals including a man, fill the arrows in the ground with water and finally plant seeds on the site. Get it… movement of the earth, sacrifice of animals, flood and restart for a new age. Why am I talking ancient Vedic ideas under a Mayan long count topic? Because the Mayans have a Indian /Vedic origin.
There are numerous linguistic connections between the Tamil and Mayan culture, the connections on the fire sacrifice the Mayan sacrifice ritual. Let’s keep it short and be content with the Spanish interpretation that inhabitants of the new land looked like ‘Indians’. I assure you they couldn’t have be more right. There was an ancient Tamil migration from India to the Americas in the time of Gemini. 8000ish BC, the time of the fire cult. The time of the hero twins, the age of Gemini under the god Castor. The 4th Mayan age and the time of a separate upper Egypt and lower Egypt. The time of Atreus and the twin brothers. The stage was set for a plantation of ancient folklore and wisdom in a new pristine environment. An environment undisturbed by change and idealism until resent times , allowing us to gain an understanding into the past by reconnecting two seemingly unrelated histories.
In 3100ish BC Gemini was over. Upper and lower Egypt was reunited under Peteh. The brothers of Atreus settled their score and the kingdom was under a single god by virtue of a golden lamb. (golden calf?) The Vedic scriptures set and warn of the beginning of the Kali-Yuga and finally the Mayan culture begins their new long count, the 5th age, the age of the Pleiades. The age of Taurus.
If You look to the east when the sun rises you must sense joy at this rebirth. The hopes and dreams of you, your culture and the planet depend on this cycle. But there is a larger cycle at work. A grand cycle for which the ancients knew intimately. The timing here is the matching of a cycle of sun rising and a matching star rising in the east, this. In 3113BC for the Americans it was the Pleiades. If we look at the Aztec creation tales then we see 5 gods beginning with Orion. The 1st age. If we look at the long count we see that an age is 5128 years. If we look at the astronomy of 5X5128 years in the past then we see the Orion belt rising due east. If we move to the next age we see offset Fomalhaunt, next we see Fomalhuant with a companion star(wife), next we see offset Gemini star and then right on alignment of the Pleiades. This cycle of on and off is due to a tilting of the crust of the earth. Our astronomy assumes the earths orientation remains the same thus the star alignment moves on center and then off. This tilt happens every 5125ish years. Back and forth. I know you’re wondering how this makes any difference to you as it seems so far back in time and so far removed from your life, modern science ideas and our ideas of the world around us. let’s look at numbers.
The Mayan long count is 5125 years with a beginning of 3113bc giving and end of 2012. The Kali-Yuga starts 3102 BC with an ending of …. 432000 years. Nonsense. First of all we are looking a sacred numbers adding to 10, 4+3+2+1, probable moon ratios and days not years.Teachings to the masses fail to understand the meaning of scriptures and their related numerology. There are 72 parts of an age known as a Mahayuga. This is further divided into 7 day and 7 night cycle known as a Manvantaras or subset times that wax and wane in influence over the 5125 year cycle. Gurus will tell you to chant 72*14 or 1008 times a prayer or mantra but 1008 being too long for most people it has been shortened to 108. Why 72? There is a 360 deg. cosmic (great year) cycle of 25920 years. The division is 5, the arc of 72deg. on the cosmic precession and represented as 5184 years. Yes 72 this is the Kabbalah sacred number. 7 days and 7 nights… we have heard all this in different forms before. The Yugas run in 4-3-2-1 ratios of 20728 years, 15552 years, 10364 years and 5182 years. 4+3+2+1=10 which is the number of long count/fire cult cycles in the complete Yuga cycle. We can see now that the 5184 years length – 3102BC start date is the end of the Kali-Yuga cycle thus we come up with 2082 AD. Opps, not matching with Mayan end date of 2012? Why?
In the time of Atlantis, Satan a great comet hit the earth and distorted the priestly year of 360 days to 365. If we subtract the 5 unlucky days of the year for every year of the Vedic cycle of 360 to match our time of 365 we have 70 years. 2082-70=2012. The Kalli-Yuga will end in 2012 AD, Lord Vishnu is expected to appear in Kalki Avatar at the end of Kali Yuga …in 3 years. It is believed that at this time, there will be a deluge when Kalki - the tenth and the last Avatar of Vishnu (tenth long count), will ride forth on a horse to redeem humankind and re-establish righteousness. The complete Yuga and the 10 long count cycles will end!
The fire cult tells us of geo-positional change and the sacrifice necessary for a rebirth to a new age. The pyramids in Egypt point to a time of Orion many years ago, the beginning of the cycle. In 2012 this complete 25920 year Mayan calendar cycle and complete 51840 year Yuga cycle will both come to an end. Beginning and ending with the dawning of Aquarius. It will not be a time of enlightenment; it will be a time of sacrifice.
If you survive 2012 you will be at the beginning of the next cycle, in the Satya-Yuga or golden age. Preserve the fire cult in a positive context and teach your clan an ancient secret… a secret from a wise god of Egypt. From Pteh, Peteh, Peter, Stone, Mason, Masonic, comes a truth, the secret of 9. 3X3. The 33rd Deg. Put your tongue to your teeth and with spittle and intention, and in the range of a squeaky door; begin with C, E flat, and G. The first divine trinity. You will come to understand that the angels in heaven, the heavenly bodies, are yours to command for you are God and you can create your new world in any way you see fit.
I will be heading for Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada late summer 2012. Anyone interested in survival camping please email me for more info.