In the Bible we read “God created the heavens and earth in six (seven with a rest) days.” Understood by millions as a Monday to Saturday with a rest on Sunday time scale, this scripture is in fact referring to a much longer period of time and not one of creation but one of duration. A correct translation would read “God created the heavens and the earth FOR seven days and six nights.” What is a day and night period if not the 24 hour cycle we think of today?
Just as we have professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers in our society today, in the ancient past cultures had a professional class too. There were the leaders and gods as we have today and there were two other main groups called the Enlightened Ones and the Watchers. The Enlightened Ones were the ancient advisers and teachers involved with gathering knowledge and dispensing it as needed much as we have today in our academic class. The Watchers were the ancient astronomers. Watching the heavens was of paramount importance in the past. The populations at this time believed events in outer space had a direct and tangible influence on earth. Astrology was cutting edge science and the Watchers were and exalted class, a combination of an engineer and a Hollywood star. In studying the heavens Watchers gazed into pools of water to map the movement and chart the stars and planets. They observed the changes in the stars, the movement of the planets and the resultant changes on the earth including human behavior. Over time they recognized patterns that could lead to predictions of the future and born was the proclamation “as above so below”. With this realization the ancients began to map the stars physically on the earth with monuments and holy places. They also recorded the cycles they discovered and began to teach about the grand periods of change. The Sun and Moon cycles were critical, lay-farmers would have known these cycles from experience but the Watchers documented them for everyone to understand. Over generations the Watchers began to notice a change in the behavior of society that waxed and waned with positive and negative influence. This cycle was long, about 360 years in their time and 14 in number before the next cycle; they called two adjacent periods a day and a night.
The Yugas represent cycles of cosmic influences over vast periods of time as well. Four in total, the complete Yuga cycle ends with the Kalli-Yuga. Each Yuga cycle is further divided into 14 Manvantaras. Vishnu is a creator god associated with the duration of these 14 cycles and has 10 manifestations called Avatars that denote the influences or experiences of the time period. The question that comes to mind is what time periods are we talking about here and are they related to the ancient Egyptian Watchers ideas of cycles? Traditional interpretations of the ancient Indian texts would have us believe the Yuga cycles cover truly vast periods of time. I disagree. The Kalli-Yuga cycle we are in today was and is a scary time for people to live. It represents cruelty and suffering for most and as the cycle approached in the relatively resent past the population grew fearful. Well meaning religious scholars decided to fudge the numbers claiming the Kalli-Yuga was in fact far off into the future. I think we can agree today we are living in this cycle. A corrected start date is in fact 3102BC. Furthermore, the Yuga cycles are ratios of sacred numbers the ancients mapped to grand heavenly cycles. The ratio is 4-3-2-1=10 and each number is a time period multiplier for a Yuga cycle. We are in the Kalli-Yuga or last cycle; multiplier 1. This multiplier is used against precession to calculate the Yuga length. Precession rates change over time as we are likely in a binary or multi-star orbit. The factor used to map our position and Yuga duration is called a Chatur-Yuga and is 71 “and a bit” long. What does it represent? It is 1 arc degrees of precession in the sky. I’m sure I have lost half my readers at this point so I will cut to the chase… rounding off… 72deg. of precession is 5180 years at are current processional rate. Multiply by 1 and we have Kali-Yuga length. Start 3102BC+5180 = End 2078AD. Here is the kicker… we must subtract the 5 days of the year we count today to adjust 365days now to 360days in the past, the priestly year. This is 70 years and brings our date for the end of the Kalli-Yuga to 2012. At this time the ancient scripts tell us that Vishnu will present himself as the 10th avatar riding white horse and destruction will befall the wicked. We now have a strange convergence with Egyptian (hermetic), Vedic and Mayan teachings.
I’m not sure if Enoch was in fact Hermes or was Thoth of ancient Egypt but he did put emerald tables away for safe keeping and he was a learned man. His timeframe would place him at or around the end of the last grand cycle at 3100BC. Enoch spoke of righteousness, grand judgments and of particular interest to our current time he spoke of the apocalypse of weeks. To gain a current understanding of Enoch’s warning of apocalypse we must begin by correctly translating the word “weeks”. Weeks are not a group of seven days as we understand the term today. In Enoch’s time weeks meant “periods of seven”. Another misconception is that Enoch is talking of himself as being born in the seventh week. Let’s read from Enoch 93.3 “And Enoch then began to speak from the books, and said: "I was born the seventh, in the first week, while justice and righteousness still lasted.” Enoch is not telling his story; he is reading from a truly ancient manuscript and relating the message from someone born in the last day of the first week long long ago. What is the length of this “week” and what time period in the past was the “first week”? A week is seven days and nights. Enoch’s weeks seem to end in destruction and judgment and must represent long time scales. There are 10 weeks in Enoch’s cycle. Can we be so bold as to assume the weeks here represent a 14 day/night Manvantara time scale? If so, the first week represented the start of the Yuga cycle 52,000 years ago and we are now living in the 10th week and fast approaching the seventh day. Enoch 91.15 “And, after this, in the tenth week, in the seventh part, there will be an Eternal Judgment that will be executed on the Watchers and the Great Eternal Heaven that will spring from the midst of the Angels.” Enoch’s weeks are yet another glimpse of this ancient knowledge of waxing and waning influence over thousands of years and ending with destruction. The fact that 10 weeks will pass is a striking comparison with the 10 Avatars of Vedic teachings and leads us to the next link in this grand cycle.
Were there Tamils from India in Central America in the ancient past? Yes. Before the last flood and the start of the Kalli-Yuga humans were traversing the globe in great numbers. In South America were the aboriginals from Australia, South and Central Americas were Polynesians and Tamils, Central and North America were Clovis peoples from France and Nordic tribes and finally the Inuit from Mongolia to the north. If we give these races a geographical smudge we don’t need to be a geneticist to see the results in native persons alive today. The Tamil influence in Central America was a bounty for our understanding of cosmic timescales as they have preserved (Spanish conquest aside) an ancient teaching of the original Vedic idea that time flows like waves of sound. We have ups and downs representing positive and negative influences. A sign wave of change. A lot have been lost to the conquest however glimpses of the Mayan ideas of time have been reveled and some current interpretations by Carl Calleman have demonstrated a seven day and night cycle that represents a period of time called a long-count. Looking at Mayan monuments layered to 9, traditional interpretations have us believe in 9 mystic underworlds of legends and fanciful stories that are presumably for children’s bedtime reading. Calleman interprets the 9 steps of the pyramids as the 9 ages reaching into the past with the beginning of time itself, billions of years ago. I disagree with both although I think Calleman is spot on with his day/night cycles. I feel the 9 step pyramids are a representation of the completed 9 long-counts since the beginning of the Yuga cycle 52,000 years ago and that the 10th and final long-count cycle will complete in 2012. The day/night cycles Calleman has discovered are the remnants of an ancient Vedic knowledge of the Manvantara influences brought to the Americas by the Tamils. Cortez stated the natives looked like Indians and he was absolutely right.
So God created the world for seven days and six nights. This is 72 degrees of processional arc. 5125 years. The seventh night is one a global disaster that creates a wasteland on earth and the process of repopulation must start all over. Atlantis in 13000BC, Adam and Eve in 8000bc or Noah in 3000BC the stories of restarting have been told and retold into myth and legend. The ending cycle in 2012 from what we can pull from the remnants will be one of finality. It is the complete Yuga cycle and the 10th Mayan long-count. The 10th Avatar will arrive on a white horse as the sandscrips predict and possibility predicted by revelations and certainly stated by Enoch how the 10th week will end.
I believe a magnetic heavenly influence will soon occur to shift the physical crust of the earth. I think this because of an ancient cult called the Fire Cult, to which it seems the core of the myths and legends we have perverted today seem to have originated, who knew of this grand cycle and tried desperately to lay down a method of communication that would transcend the ages to prepare us for change. A warning that hints of sacrifice on an alter for spiritual power, bloodletting on ground for rebirth, directional arrows that are seeded and energy centers in the body linking life to the heavens from the ground to the spirit. All the concepts we have built upon to create our religious institutions today. As in heaven so on earth, God man and Holy Spirit, sacrifice, a strong influence still today conducted as war by Masonic/Kabalistic influences, a cleansing by fire or destruction we keep hearing about from opportunistic evangelists and misguided laypersons and ideas of seeding for the future regardless of any current impact or consequence. On and on it goes for 5000 years until the truth is revealed.
When this happened 52000 years ago it was different. Before the current pyramids the Fire Cult alters were there, on the Giza plateau, beside the great Anubis. Orion was rising in the east, or emerging from a portal as the ancients believed, just as it will in 2012 but there were no nuclear plants, no chemical factories or atomic bombs in that time. Some information survived from the Fire Cult and we have created and engineering marvel. But the warnings have started now. Time is up. Our problems will be different than in the past. The financial crash is a microcosm of things to come and as the heavenly influences make their play on Earth we will all come to understand the ramifications of this time, the ancient teachings and perhaps our true place in this universe. It will be a horrific time for most I know but we live in clockwork of opportunity that we have greatly underestimated in this materialistic age. We are truly connected to the heavens and what we make of our lives is dependant not on perverting the truisms of the ancient knowledge of creation from intention but of recognizing our nature as gods and demonstrating our compassion for life and for our understanding of the necessity of death.
Here is a great post script. Seven years (revelations?) after 2012 a remarkable cosmic event happens … a new age will start …from ancient Vedic scripts we know that this new age begins when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter rise together in the east with Cancer ascendant. It is called the Satya-Yuga and it begins December 25th 2019. If you make it through, you will be witness to the dawning of a new time ….the golden age.
Kelly B. Carter