Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Seven Periods of Creation
In the Bible we read “God created the heavens and earth in six (seven with a rest) days.” Understood by millions as a Monday to Saturday with a rest on Sunday time scale, this scripture is in fact referring to a much longer period of time and not one of creation but one of duration. A correct translation would read “God created the heavens and the earth FOR seven days and six nights.” What is a day and night period if not the 24 hour cycle we think of today?
Just as we have professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers in our society today, in the ancient past cultures had a professional class too. There were the leaders and gods as we have today and there were two other main groups called the Enlightened Ones and the Watchers. The Enlightened Ones were the ancient advisers and teachers involved with gathering knowledge and dispensing it as needed much as we have today in our academic class. The Watchers were the ancient astronomers. Watching the heavens was of paramount importance in the past. The populations at this time believed events in outer space had a direct and tangible influence on earth. Astrology was cutting edge science and the Watchers were and exalted class, a combination of an engineer and a Hollywood star. In studying the heavens Watchers gazed into pools of water to map the movement and chart the stars and planets. They observed the changes in the stars, the movement of the planets and the resultant changes on the earth including human behavior. Over time they recognized patterns that could lead to predictions of the future and born was the proclamation “as above so below”. With this realization the ancients began to map the stars physically on the earth with monuments and holy places. They also recorded the cycles they discovered and began to teach about the grand periods of change. The Sun and Moon cycles were critical, lay-farmers would have known these cycles from experience but the Watchers documented them for everyone to understand. Over generations the Watchers began to notice a change in the behavior of society that waxed and waned with positive and negative influence. This cycle was long, about 360 years in their time and 14 in number before the next cycle; they called two adjacent periods a day and a night.
The Yugas represent cycles of cosmic influences over vast periods of time as well. Four in total, the complete Yuga cycle ends with the Kalli-Yuga. Each Yuga cycle is further divided into 14 Manvantaras. Vishnu is a creator god associated with the duration of these 14 cycles and has 10 manifestations called Avatars that denote the influences or experiences of the time period. The question that comes to mind is what time periods are we talking about here and are they related to the ancient Egyptian Watchers ideas of cycles? Traditional interpretations of the ancient Indian texts would have us believe the Yuga cycles cover truly vast periods of time. I disagree. The Kalli-Yuga cycle we are in today was and is a scary time for people to live. It represents cruelty and suffering for most and as the cycle approached in the relatively resent past the population grew fearful. Well meaning religious scholars decided to fudge the numbers claiming the Kalli-Yuga was in fact far off into the future. I think we can agree today we are living in this cycle. A corrected start date is in fact 3102BC. Furthermore, the Yuga cycles are ratios of sacred numbers the ancients mapped to grand heavenly cycles. The ratio is 4-3-2-1=10 and each number is a time period multiplier for a Yuga cycle. We are in the Kalli-Yuga or last cycle; multiplier 1. This multiplier is used against precession to calculate the Yuga length. Precession rates change over time as we are likely in a binary or multi-star orbit. The factor used to map our position and Yuga duration is called a Chatur-Yuga and is 71 “and a bit” long. What does it represent? It is 1 arc degrees of precession in the sky. I’m sure I have lost half my readers at this point so I will cut to the chase… rounding off… 72deg. of precession is 5180 years at are current processional rate. Multiply by 1 and we have Kali-Yuga length. Start 3102BC+5180 = End 2078AD. Here is the kicker… we must subtract the 5 days of the year we count today to adjust 365days now to 360days in the past, the priestly year. This is 70 years and brings our date for the end of the Kalli-Yuga to 2012. At this time the ancient scripts tell us that Vishnu will present himself as the 10th avatar riding white horse and destruction will befall the wicked. We now have a strange convergence with Egyptian (hermetic), Vedic and Mayan teachings.
I’m not sure if Enoch was in fact Hermes or was Thoth of ancient Egypt but he did put emerald tables away for safe keeping and he was a learned man. His timeframe would place him at or around the end of the last grand cycle at 3100BC. Enoch spoke of righteousness, grand judgments and of particular interest to our current time he spoke of the apocalypse of weeks. To gain a current understanding of Enoch’s warning of apocalypse we must begin by correctly translating the word “weeks”. Weeks are not a group of seven days as we understand the term today. In Enoch’s time weeks meant “periods of seven”. Another misconception is that Enoch is talking of himself as being born in the seventh week. Let’s read from Enoch 93.3 “And Enoch then began to speak from the books, and said: "I was born the seventh, in the first week, while justice and righteousness still lasted.” Enoch is not telling his story; he is reading from a truly ancient manuscript and relating the message from someone born in the last day of the first week long long ago. What is the length of this “week” and what time period in the past was the “first week”? A week is seven days and nights. Enoch’s weeks seem to end in destruction and judgment and must represent long time scales. There are 10 weeks in Enoch’s cycle. Can we be so bold as to assume the weeks here represent a 14 day/night Manvantara time scale? If so, the first week represented the start of the Yuga cycle 52,000 years ago and we are now living in the 10th week and fast approaching the seventh day. Enoch 91.15 “And, after this, in the tenth week, in the seventh part, there will be an Eternal Judgment that will be executed on the Watchers and the Great Eternal Heaven that will spring from the midst of the Angels.” Enoch’s weeks are yet another glimpse of this ancient knowledge of waxing and waning influence over thousands of years and ending with destruction. The fact that 10 weeks will pass is a striking comparison with the 10 Avatars of Vedic teachings and leads us to the next link in this grand cycle.
Were there Tamils from India in Central America in the ancient past? Yes. Before the last flood and the start of the Kalli-Yuga humans were traversing the globe in great numbers. In South America were the aboriginals from Australia, South and Central Americas were Polynesians and Tamils, Central and North America were Clovis peoples from France and Nordic tribes and finally the Inuit from Mongolia to the north. If we give these races a geographical smudge we don’t need to be a geneticist to see the results in native persons alive today. The Tamil influence in Central America was a bounty for our understanding of cosmic timescales as they have preserved (Spanish conquest aside) an ancient teaching of the original Vedic idea that time flows like waves of sound. We have ups and downs representing positive and negative influences. A sign wave of change. A lot have been lost to the conquest however glimpses of the Mayan ideas of time have been reveled and some current interpretations by Carl Calleman have demonstrated a seven day and night cycle that represents a period of time called a long-count. Looking at Mayan monuments layered to 9, traditional interpretations have us believe in 9 mystic underworlds of legends and fanciful stories that are presumably for children’s bedtime reading. Calleman interprets the 9 steps of the pyramids as the 9 ages reaching into the past with the beginning of time itself, billions of years ago. I disagree with both although I think Calleman is spot on with his day/night cycles. I feel the 9 step pyramids are a representation of the completed 9 long-counts since the beginning of the Yuga cycle 52,000 years ago and that the 10th and final long-count cycle will complete in 2012. The day/night cycles Calleman has discovered are the remnants of an ancient Vedic knowledge of the Manvantara influences brought to the Americas by the Tamils. Cortez stated the natives looked like Indians and he was absolutely right.
So God created the world for seven days and six nights. This is 72 degrees of processional arc. 5125 years. The seventh night is one a global disaster that creates a wasteland on earth and the process of repopulation must start all over. Atlantis in 13000BC, Adam and Eve in 8000bc or Noah in 3000BC the stories of restarting have been told and retold into myth and legend. The ending cycle in 2012 from what we can pull from the remnants will be one of finality. It is the complete Yuga cycle and the 10th Mayan long-count. The 10th Avatar will arrive on a white horse as the sandscrips predict and possibility predicted by revelations and certainly stated by Enoch how the 10th week will end.
I believe a magnetic heavenly influence will soon occur to shift the physical crust of the earth. I think this because of an ancient cult called the Fire Cult, to which it seems the core of the myths and legends we have perverted today seem to have originated, who knew of this grand cycle and tried desperately to lay down a method of communication that would transcend the ages to prepare us for change. A warning that hints of sacrifice on an alter for spiritual power, bloodletting on ground for rebirth, directional arrows that are seeded and energy centers in the body linking life to the heavens from the ground to the spirit. All the concepts we have built upon to create our religious institutions today. As in heaven so on earth, God man and Holy Spirit, sacrifice, a strong influence still today conducted as war by Masonic/Kabalistic influences, a cleansing by fire or destruction we keep hearing about from opportunistic evangelists and misguided laypersons and ideas of seeding for the future regardless of any current impact or consequence. On and on it goes for 5000 years until the truth is revealed.
When this happened 52000 years ago it was different. Before the current pyramids the Fire Cult alters were there, on the Giza plateau, beside the great Anubis. Orion was rising in the east, or emerging from a portal as the ancients believed, just as it will in 2012 but there were no nuclear plants, no chemical factories or atomic bombs in that time. Some information survived from the Fire Cult and we have created and engineering marvel. But the warnings have started now. Time is up. Our problems will be different than in the past. The financial crash is a microcosm of things to come and as the heavenly influences make their play on Earth we will all come to understand the ramifications of this time, the ancient teachings and perhaps our true place in this universe. It will be a horrific time for most I know but we live in clockwork of opportunity that we have greatly underestimated in this materialistic age. We are truly connected to the heavens and what we make of our lives is dependant not on perverting the truisms of the ancient knowledge of creation from intention but of recognizing our nature as gods and demonstrating our compassion for life and for our understanding of the necessity of death.
Here is a great post script. Seven years (revelations?) after 2012 a remarkable cosmic event happens … a new age will start …from ancient Vedic scripts we know that this new age begins when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter rise together in the east with Cancer ascendant. It is called the Satya-Yuga and it begins December 25th 2019. If you make it through, you will be witness to the dawning of a new time ….the golden age.
Kelly B. Carter
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tip Toe Through The Tulips
Just what was tulip mania all about? Well human nature it seems. Manias’ can happen with the introduction of anything new given the right circumstances. Rarity and mass advertising can cause a self feeding frenzy to obtain the item at any cost. The Cabbage Patch Doll comes to mind as a resent example of this type of mania. Tulips were rare due to the fact that growing from seeds takes years to reach maturity and as such the first crop of tulips was cloned from bulbs to produce flowers in one season. This caused a rarity that became a seller’s market and coupled with the beautiful fields of flowers produced, people were talking throughout the area about the magnificent tulip and demand went beyond all reason.
The mania and resultant sellers market for tulip bulbs created a twist on a tried and true payment method that farmers have relied on since farming began …the futures contract. The twist was that buyers were willing to sign agreements to pay ANY price for tulip bulbs but with the important catch that they didn’t intend to gaze at the flowers or even eat them but to SELL the tulip bulbs for profit. The price for tulip bulbs was going up and up and to any sane investor this was a ticket to riches. The idea of a tulip bubble forming was not well understood it seems, however, just as today on YouTube and alternative radio, there were a few voices calling the imminent collapse of the real estate market in 2008, the same was true for the tulip bulb market in 1635. At the height of this bubble a tulip bulb would fetch a price that was equivalent to a luxury home. There are many parallels to the housing bubble that formed during the last years, the most notable of which is that in many cases the tulip bulbs were bought on credit. With the intention to flip the bulbs for profit, the upper class used their access to credit to speculate on future price increases having no appreciation, use or even understanding the tulip market. It must be asked if the buyers who were carried away with profit taking realized many florists had planted seeds years earlier and that the potential for a tulip glut was approaching or the fact that the awe and splendor of tulips was losing its initial impact. The fundamental lesson here is the lack of real value tulips had to the buyers.
The tulip market crashed around 1637. There were futures contracts outstanding for prices far above the adjusted value of tulips. The contract holders were not the poor but well to do investors and being ‘too big to fail’ the government stepped in and legislated all futures contracts to options contracts and with a small compensation they were out of the tulip market with their wealth intact. A Goldman Sachs production.
How is the tulip market today? Well aside from the Tiny Tim appearances on the Tonight Show in the 80’s, tulip mania has for the most part subsided. Tulips are in fact big business today. Growers all over are still searching for their perfect tulip. The Dutch are very proud of their tulip varieties and Holland is the largest producer of tulips accounting for billions in exports yearly and with plans to develop a tulip tourism market, ...Holland continues to command the tulip.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Behold a White Horse
Your real sacrifice begins in 2012. The seven seals of revelations. In these troubled times you will flock to false prophets, there will be war, then famine. Disease will spread and you will escape to the wilderness to try and survive. Sacrifice will be in full swing by 2017 and then massive earthquakes. The final seal is the onslaught of comet debris coming from the south. The seven years of this tribulation will end in 2019. The skies will clear and the survivors will witness a new age. From ancient scripts we know that this new age begins when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter rise together in the east with Cancer ascendant. It is the Satya-Yuga and it begins December 25th 2019. If you make it through, you will be witness to the dawning of a new time, the golden age.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
CDC releases pandemic guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) claims the H1N1 flu is unstoppable. Health experts claim most people have no immunity to the virus which typically means more people are susceptible to becoming sickened with the virus, which can be deadly. The H1N1 flu is considered moderate which means people will be hospitalized and die from the virus, but most of the consumers infected will suffer mild to moderate symptoms and make a complete recovery in a few weeks.
Consumers? We are consumers of the flu, Im getting really pessimistic on our future when the flu is commercialized into a money making operation. People will be hospitalized and die but wait for the later part of the sentence ...... most will make a complete recovery.
Scare tactics! ... 81858.html
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Commercial real estate debacle
The U.S. Treasury is secretly working on a preemptive bailout program called Plan C gearing up taxpayers dollars for another toxic mortgage industry that has $3 trillion in loans? The failure of 2008’s residential mortgage bailout should tell you that bailing out CRE loans is a losing cause especially for taxpayers.
The commercial market wont make it through Xmas I don't think. At least I hope not as Ill need to find an empty store to live in to get out of the cold...
Cheap Tide to the rescue
Here’s yet another sign that consumer behavior is undergoing a major reset. The Wall Street Journal reported today that the world’s greatest builder of brands, Procter & Gamble, is testing a cheaper version of its biggest selling product, Tide. Known as Tide Basic, the laundry detergent, which will sell for 20% less than the regular version, will be tested in about 100 Wal-Mart and Kroger stores in southern states. Rather than its iconic orange box, the packaging will be yellow, and the powder will be missing features such as “fragrance-heightening technology.”
I'm not sure I can live without fragrance-heightening technology and speaking of basic, maybe I should grab a washboard while I can! Life sucks...
The sun looks like an egg about to hatch
The sun has been so quiet that its getting ominous. Sunspots were supposed to return last month according to 'experts' but nope the sun has gone into incubation again. I wonder what will hatch??
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
$20 Gas is good for you!
At $6 a gallon, Americans will embrace diesel engines. At $8, many airlines will shut down, leaving Southwest Airlines Co. and JetBlue Airways Corp. as the dominant domestic carriers..
At $10, car ownership rates will plummet. At $12, exurbs will start becoming ghost towns. At $14, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will die; its business model is built on cheap oil.
At $18, Americans might get what Europeans have enjoyed for years: high-speed trains. And as the price creeps up to $20 a gallon, the U.S. may finally frame a comprehensive energy plan
Things are Quiet in my Cave
I'm bored and going a bit wonky talking to myself. Check out my new find a cave forum and please say something!
Find a Cave
Apocalypse for kids?
A new movie is coming out next month about the end of the world. No its not 2012 its 9. A movie for kids with a rag doll named '9' that leads his friends all fighting for survival. I get the feeling we are all being prepared for something bad...
Trade In Your Toy Car!
Maple Leaf Foods pulls its wiener
Actually its wieners ...Maple Leaf Foods is recalling nine wiener products because they may contain traces of the Listeria bacteria. Did this not just happen like a year ago.
Richard Heinbergs Blackout
Blackout goes to the heart of the tough energy questions that will dominate every sphere of public policy throughout the first half of this century, and it is a must-read for planners, educators, and anyone concerned about energy consumption, peak oil, and climate change.
When all else fails..we can eat trees!
Trees can serve as a vital "famine food" to keep drought-hit communities alive when all other food crops fail, according to campaigners.
These people are planing for the future? ...we are doomed.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Where in the World is the Hall of Records?
In the ancient past a record of wisdom was hidden away. It was placed in a catacomb for future generations to discover, to know the true wisdom of man. The time was one of cataclysm. The King had died. Meteors were falling from the sky and the earth was parched of life. A struggle for existence was underway and the great spirit of man compelled him to act. We will save our knowledge they thought; …if nothing else. A time capsule at best, a doomsday act at worst, the ancient secrets were buried with precious treasures under the Temple of Vulcan.
Hermes was a great god. The old Hermes I mean, Hermes Trismegistus. Three times honored. A scientist, teacher and prophet, he was an early founder of pre dynastic Egypt just after the time of Peteh. Hermes was from Atlantis and helped found and establish Sa el-Hagar which was relatively untouched by the comet barrage happening at the time of the destruction. Many residents of Sa el-Hagar today are descendents of the Atlantians. Hermes was a god because he knew the secret of the ancients, the knowledge and understanding of just who we are and what we are doing here on earth. Secret knowledge that today we hear only fragmented pieces of in obscure church doctrine, glimpses in new age cults, distortions by well meaning but uninformed writers and of course perversions by nut jobs looking for the spotlight. Hermes knew the truth. The illuminated truth or the Masonic truth that sound and sex creates reality and with realizing this hidden knowledge; man will come to understand he is god.
There are still two superpowers in the world today. There has been for thousands of years. Not the United States and the Soviet Union, the Catholic Church and the Masonic lodge. They are of the same lineage you understand. Both originated from Hermes. Brothers if you will that have a disagreement on governance. There is lots of talk of a new world order. Global governance. Many new age writers, UTube videos and now mainstream thinkers have come to believe there is a covert plan to rule the world. Their right of course but this is nothing new. From the time of Gilgamesh mankind had entered a dark age. The Kalli-yuga whereby the heavenly bodies cast an influence of depravity and despair. Man forgot his divine nature and Kingships were born. The material age of taxation. Something must be done to protect society …spiritual leaders had to act. Act they did; the individual was suppressed and replaced with the fold. We became sheep. We could not be individual gods, we must vote as a group. The illuminated ones were cast into the shadows.
There was conflagration for years. Kingships and religious leaders battled for control of society. Masonic traditions influenced most lives in the early times of the Dark Age but the planets conspired to root man in the material plane and kingships prevailed. For a time. Until a new King; a King called Akhenaten. Akhenaten was a revivalist of sorts. Not the sort the common man would have wanted because his ideas were that of one god; God Almighty. The Masonic power was slipping as the kingship would merge with the church. Not the church of the common man but the church of the elite. Kingship and worship of the gods would become one.
Moses was an executive assistant to Akhenaten. A vizier. He knew the ancient secrets, the times he was living in and the need for strong leadership for society. In an age of sorrow. When Akhenaten died Moses was left in a quandary. Powerful Masonic forces would return Egypt to the ancient gods. Moses must act. He fled at first, unsure what to do but in his solitude he realized his strength; he and his followers had ruled Egypt for decades. Moses called upon his old friends, his kinsman, his followers and together with supporting masses they set foot for a new land. King Tut agreed to this at first but soon realizing the lack of governance sent his army to bring them back …the rest of the story I’m sure you know.
The church doctrines all comes from this time. It is based in the Pharaoh Akhenaten also known as Amenopais. Amen; the end of a prayer. The new idea of god almighty, totally dominant in the cover story of our lives today, established its roots. The church did keep some hermetic ideas with the Kabala but the Masons were out. Hermetic traditions did persist though, through the ages preserved in myth, legend, alchemy and yes secret societies. We see clues in Isaac Newton’s alchemy, Herodotus writings and the sound of Mozart’s Masonic music. The Masons are alive and well and are now positioned to reclaim this world as their own. At the right time that is …the time of the individual.
So where in the world is this hall of records? What will it tell us and is it safe to unveil its Masonic secrets to the world? When should it be unveiled and who should do so? Our society is changing fast and we are approaching a new age; an age where the individual is empowered. You alone will decide when you find the truth and come to an understanding you are god and you alone create your reality. Look to the gods, the true gods of the ancients. From this platform your life will change, you will see yourself as an all knowing spirit and claim your right to be an individual; an individual god …a Mason. From the secrets of ancient Hermes we can glimpse the truth of existence. We don’t need to look to the hall of records for proof that we are divine but time is short for this age and I know many are disillusioned so look to the Temple of Vulcan. The home of Peteh. At the time of the 12 kings (tribes) when the greatest king had died and the world was amiss; aligned exactly to the cardinal points they built a labyrinth to store their treasure and where Hermes safely placed his emerald tablets…
I assure you the hall of records is right here… 29°51'43.33"N 31°15'15.53"E
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Getting Back to Basics
There is something to be said about getting away for the weekend on a camping trip with your friends. Fresh air, few distractions and new surroundings help set the stage for a relaxed comradery and the enviable campfire chats. A great social event. In your preparations for your trip you would plan on a suitable location, include some sort of shelter, food and water, various types of clothing, some alcohol and fireworks perhaps and of course your family pet. Your outdoorsperson prowess is on the line with this event and with all other eyes rolling, you posture yourself by rubbing two sticks together trying to start a fire. Of course you have a lighter, everyone does. If fact you have a propane stove, cooler fridge, lanterns, soft bed, makeup kit, toilet paper, DVD player, cell phone, wireless laptop and a fully fueled automobile just ten feet away just in case you had forgotten anything. You are prepared and as you fumble with your new Swiss Army knife to open a cold one you think to yourself …It’s great to get away but I know I must go back.
The Amish have the good life. Unburdened by the stress of our modern lifestyle they seem content in their low tech lives and have continued their generations long self-sufficient traditions. Living by their hand, they control their future directly by hard work and the understanding that any payoff is dependent on the individual. Cooperation is also part of the Amish life as fields are prepared with friends and homes are built with neighbors. It is the 19th century today with horse drawn plows, butter churns, and lye powered washboards, group sing-alongs and apple cider. Truly a hammer and nails lifestyle. A lifestyle dependent only on you, your livestock and your tools. Your tools. The young can leave this paradise. In fact its encouraged.” I have to get away” they think, but most will come back.
There were no cavemen. Simply put there are/were not enough caves to house everyone let alone caves close to a water source. Our ancestors lived in shelters. Shelters made by hand with materials found close by and with knowledge and skill few persons alive today possess. Some caves were used as shelters yes but most caves were ritual shamanistic places used for worship and enlightenment. The early churches. Cavemen collected nuts, fruits, tubers and berries for their staple diet and clothed themselves with skins and fibers. Hand collected and hand crafted, the essence of these early people depended on the knowledge of nature. Medical plants, migrations, seasonal growth, weaving grass and cleaving stone all a fundamental part of survival. A hard life exposed to the elements, predators, disease and most importantly exposed to yourself. You want to get away you think and ask the cave “can I go back?”.
A great cataclysm is coming. You will not need to plan for this camping trip, no dates, no weather predictions, no vacation time; in fact this trip is unlike any you have had. It’s a trip we will all go on and have gone since the beginning of time. Whether you’re a Wall Street Investor, Amish farmer or caveman weaver we will face this trip on the same terms. Ourselves. As individuals. Who will you be? Survival depends on skills. Skills relevant to the conditions at hand and the conditions you will face will require a new mindset. Talk to your friends and neighbors, read about organic farming, learn about medicinal plants, practice physical fitness and pick a new profession. A profession based on you; what you can do as an individual. Time is short and you must act now. You are measured in the heavens, your place, and your time. Please believe me when I tell you cannot get away and there is no going back.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
2012 cut to the chase
The world has seemingly gone crazy. Economic disasters, climate disasters and ecology disasters are constantly making the headlines. The end seems near and these current events have caused a tizzy of theories about the coming disaster like so many cardboard ducks in an amusement park shooting gallery. The most notable of which is the Mayan long count calendar ending on December 21st 2012 with some sort of cosmic alignment and resultant disaster. Booksellers delight. Just what is the Mayan culture and does it have connections with a very ancient cult. A cult with global influence, a cult that has preserved the knowledge of reoccurring global disaster. The cult to which all this disaster talk is based? Yes, the fire cult.
The Fire cult was born of social and economic disasters and the resulting human desire to make sense of this cruel world we find ourselves living in. Its roots go far back, probably more than 30000 years in India. In this time humans watched the skies, not looking up but looking down into large pools of water as you watch the latest episode of Ellen. Called the Watchers, they had concepts like the underworld and the stars making their journeys across the heavens in a boat. The important concept was their understanding that the cosmic show being watched directly influenced their life, and yours. It was real. Your future and the future of your children was and is affected by the heavenly bodies. The fire cult related the heavens and earth to the human body by means of 5 centers. The feet represented the earth, the torso water and air and the head with fire leading to heaven. This is the origin of the Vedic chakras. In this fire cult ceremony you must draw directional arrows in the ground, set a 5 tier alter, sacrifice 5 animals including a man, fill the arrows in the ground with water and finally plant seeds on the site. Get it… movement of the earth, sacrifice of animals, flood and restart for a new age. Why am I talking ancient Vedic ideas under a Mayan long count topic? Because the Mayans have a Indian /Vedic origin.
There are numerous linguistic connections between the Tamil and Mayan culture, the connections on the fire sacrifice the Mayan sacrifice ritual. Let’s keep it short and be content with the Spanish interpretation that inhabitants of the new land looked like ‘Indians’. I assure you they couldn’t have be more right. There was an ancient Tamil migration from India to the Americas in the time of Gemini. 8000ish BC, the time of the fire cult. The time of the hero twins, the age of Gemini under the god Castor. The 4th Mayan age and the time of a separate upper Egypt and lower Egypt. The time of Atreus and the twin brothers. The stage was set for a plantation of ancient folklore and wisdom in a new pristine environment. An environment undisturbed by change and idealism until resent times , allowing us to gain an understanding into the past by reconnecting two seemingly unrelated histories.
In 3100ish BC Gemini was over. Upper and lower Egypt was reunited under Peteh. The brothers of Atreus settled their score and the kingdom was under a single god by virtue of a golden lamb. (golden calf?) The Vedic scriptures set and warn of the beginning of the Kali-Yuga and finally the Mayan culture begins their new long count, the 5th age, the age of the Pleiades. The age of Taurus.
If You look to the east when the sun rises you must sense joy at this rebirth. The hopes and dreams of you, your culture and the planet depend on this cycle. But there is a larger cycle at work. A grand cycle for which the ancients knew intimately. The timing here is the matching of a cycle of sun rising and a matching star rising in the east, this. In 3113BC for the Americans it was the Pleiades. If we look at the Aztec creation tales then we see 5 gods beginning with Orion. The 1st age. If we look at the long count we see that an age is 5128 years. If we look at the astronomy of 5X5128 years in the past then we see the Orion belt rising due east. If we move to the next age we see offset Fomalhaunt, next we see Fomalhuant with a companion star(wife), next we see offset Gemini star and then right on alignment of the Pleiades. This cycle of on and off is due to a tilting of the crust of the earth. Our astronomy assumes the earths orientation remains the same thus the star alignment moves on center and then off. This tilt happens every 5125ish years. Back and forth. I know you’re wondering how this makes any difference to you as it seems so far back in time and so far removed from your life, modern science ideas and our ideas of the world around us. let’s look at numbers.
The Mayan long count is 5125 years with a beginning of 3113bc giving and end of 2012. The Kali-Yuga starts 3102 BC with an ending of …. 432000 years. Nonsense. First of all we are looking a sacred numbers adding to 10, 4+3+2+1, probable moon ratios and days not years.Teachings to the masses fail to understand the meaning of scriptures and their related numerology. There are 72 parts of an age known as a Mahayuga. This is further divided into 7 day and 7 night cycle known as a Manvantaras or subset times that wax and wane in influence over the 5125 year cycle. Gurus will tell you to chant 72*14 or 1008 times a prayer or mantra but 1008 being too long for most people it has been shortened to 108. Why 72? There is a 360 deg. cosmic (great year) cycle of 25920 years. The division is 5, the arc of 72deg. on the cosmic precession and represented as 5184 years. Yes 72 this is the Kabbalah sacred number. 7 days and 7 nights… we have heard all this in different forms before. The Yugas run in 4-3-2-1 ratios of 20728 years, 15552 years, 10364 years and 5182 years. 4+3+2+1=10 which is the number of long count/fire cult cycles in the complete Yuga cycle. We can see now that the 5184 years length – 3102BC start date is the end of the Kali-Yuga cycle thus we come up with 2082 AD. Opps, not matching with Mayan end date of 2012? Why?
In the time of Atlantis, Satan a great comet hit the earth and distorted the priestly year of 360 days to 365. If we subtract the 5 unlucky days of the year for every year of the Vedic cycle of 360 to match our time of 365 we have 70 years. 2082-70=2012. The Kalli-Yuga will end in 2012 AD, Lord Vishnu is expected to appear in Kalki Avatar at the end of Kali Yuga …in 3 years. It is believed that at this time, there will be a deluge when Kalki - the tenth and the last Avatar of Vishnu (tenth long count), will ride forth on a horse to redeem humankind and re-establish righteousness. The complete Yuga and the 10 long count cycles will end!
The fire cult tells us of geo-positional change and the sacrifice necessary for a rebirth to a new age. The pyramids in Egypt point to a time of Orion many years ago, the beginning of the cycle. In 2012 this complete 25920 year Mayan calendar cycle and complete 51840 year Yuga cycle will both come to an end. Beginning and ending with the dawning of Aquarius. It will not be a time of enlightenment; it will be a time of sacrifice.
If you survive 2012 you will be at the beginning of the next cycle, in the Satya-Yuga or golden age. Preserve the fire cult in a positive context and teach your clan an ancient secret… a secret from a wise god of Egypt. From Pteh, Peteh, Peter, Stone, Mason, Masonic, comes a truth, the secret of 9. 3X3. The 33rd Deg. Put your tongue to your teeth and with spittle and intention, and in the range of a squeaky door; begin with C, E flat, and G. The first divine trinity. You will come to understand that the angels in heaven, the heavenly bodies, are yours to command for you are God and you can create your new world in any way you see fit.
I will be heading for Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada late summer 2012. Anyone interested in survival camping please email me for more info.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Five Unlucky Days
Many tens of thousands of years ago a supernova exploded in our galaxy. The brilliant blue light would have filled the ancient sky and would have rivaled the sun for dominance. As the image formed in the heavens a great blue light shined down on earth and people across the world gazed in amazement at their new god. Formed with a brilliant center and rings of expelled gas and dust this was the all seeing eye of god. Admiration, astonishment and fear griped the population as they tried to make sense of this miraculous happening. Stories were told of a great blue light, and then legends were formed of a blue eye in the sky, finally today we have only a myth that remains of a god called Horus.
While the ancients were initially aware of the brilliant blue light of a supernova explosion they were unaware of the resultant debris expelled until much later. Thousands of years passed and the blue eye in the sky faded and finally winked out completely. Gone was the vision of Horus however his essence remained. Traveling toward earth on a collision course was a vast amount of dust, gas and larger debris. It happened around 11,000BC, a peaceful time on earth. The golden age of enlightenment and harmony where man was one with nature, and himself. Cosmic forces, unleashed eons ago, arrived in the solar system to erase the records, the achievements, the civilizations of man. Horus reached out and touched the earth. Dust obscured the outer sky. Blown about by solar winds and gravitational flux this dust formed patterns and outlines painted on the heavens. Just like faces in the clouds the Watchers saw figures in the heavens and mapped their skeletons, the stars. Meteor showers followed with dazzling displays of cosmic fireworks on earth, other planets and the sun …and then came the comets.
Most were small. Local impacts like mini nukes exploding in the upper atmosphere. Brilliant lights and thunderous sounds …seen over continents and heard around the world. A continuous barrage lasting years and tarnishing this golden age …mankind was under siege. With ancient knowledge of magnetics, acoustics and with cooperative determination, fortified structures were built to withstand the attack. But there was one unlike the others. A giant snake in the sky. Close enough to block the sun as it slithered closer and closer as each year passed. Truly a devil. A sense of foreboding prevailed. Mankind had suffered many evils as the heavens cleared but one great evil remained. Man prayed to the savior and the sun began its battle with Satan. A celestial drama unlike any written, produced or directed before or since, man watched this heavenly battle knowing the outcome would be his to bear. Satan, the great serpent, was cast down and the 360 day year became 365.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Brother Can You Spare A Dime?
John F. Kennedy was no saintly leader. He was born and raised in a family of privilege. Privilege acquired by crime and collusion but he connected with the people. The common man and a younger generation that represented a new age. His connection was based on the hope of equality and the prayer for peace. He was charismatic, approachable and exuded the confidence the nation needed in a cold war setting and a time of social injustice. Dark forces were at play at home and abroad. The people needed change.
From the beginning President Kennedy made changes. Bold moves bound to shake the tree of elitism. Corporations wanted their wars, spies wanted their intrigue, thugs wanted their castles and bigots wanted their delusions …all just good old boys maintaining the status quo. Fear pervaded. They all felt something must be done. Kennedy had begun troop reductions in Vietnam. He had fired many CIA operatives who were totally incompetent in international affairs. Under the direction of his brother Bobby he began an aggressive anti organized crime campaign and he began to set the stage for equality of the masses. Something must be done they agreed. Action must be taken …and it was. Ethics was a fizzy concept in the 60’s. Law enforcement and mobsters were often two sides of the same coin. Bankers, corporations and the military-elite were co-dependent and the twisted plots and subversion's of the spies, bigots and revenge seekers was so tangled we find ourselves a half century later still trying to unravel this web. With idealized cooperation and blind allegiances, the trap was set. A spider’s nest of greed, corruption and hate. Everything really did change that day. The spider ate its meal and we were all sucked in.
Today our leaders are the remnants’ of past cooperation’s. They all know the lie but will never speak of it. Media knows the lie but will never report it. They cannot. Their very existence is a result of the lie. The lie that is our truth. We are not living in a true democracy. That is the real truth, not the lie. Many are coming to this realization today, slowly and sometimes reluctantly. Our leader’s are picked and groomed to appeal to us, irresistible and charismatic, but aligned to elitist forces like colorful puppets on a string. Still free choice. Yes, but backup plans from years of experience are in place to guide us all in the direction of ‘choice’. The outcome is not in doubt.
President Obama was the perfect choice. Offering hope and change he inspired us all in his vision of the future for both the country and for ourselves. A handsome man with a beautiful family, appealing to the common man and to a younger generation. We will all begin a new age of peace and harmony with the world and ourselves. A great man and leader his stage was set in our minds …long ago. He will bring change. He will bring hope. He will bring us back from the abyss of war, corporate corruption and greed. Social injustice will be a thing of the past. Camelot? …If only our minds were true. Obama was chosen as a leader many years ago. Groomed and positioned carefully he was one of a select group ‘qualified’ to take office in an evolving plan to satisfy and pacify you …you the voter. You who votes to maintain the status quo. Every time. Without doubt. Gone now are the ideas and ideals an optimistic election time. The president is in office. Now torture practices and accountability must be suppressed. Quantamino trials will continue in kangaroo courts. Iraq will be controlled by America until the oil runs out. Spy agencies will profile and segregate you on a whim. Poverty is sad you’re told but get used to it and don’t ask for too much or you will lose what little you have. SWAT police and the IRS rule your life more than ever. You must have a permit for this and a license for that, not to make fees as much to know what is going on. Control. Your free speech is to your friends, not to the government. Is this too much too soon? If so, expect an offer of hollow gay rights, underpaid migrant worker healthcare, shallow African American awards and hope for the middle class that hard times are about to change. You will be soothed. There is no doubt.
As you find yourself falling ever deeper into dept …credit cards or ARM mortgages. Student loans or payments on a car. Loss of a job or energy costs that cannot be paid. Environmental damage. Healthcare or retirement. Only your problems, the common man, the voter. And as this police state created by you continues to unfold into fascism and you seek family and friends to help mend your shattered dreams and share your doubts …ask yourself …and your family …If President Obama happened by you in your personal dark alley, away from the spotlight of media illusion, and you asked him for a dime, some hope, …what would he say? ….he would say sorry, I have no change at all.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Lights, Camera, Action…
A long time ago in a far away cave an ancient prophet stored away for future man the most important wisdom of the ages. He scratched on the surface of an emerald tablet the hidden truths of our world. The most important of all read “As above so below”. link Hermes is talking about the magical properties of water and how the sun and moon affect life on earth in ways we currently are just rediscovering. I just cannot take my eyes of this elephant in the room and while my personal habits have caused this elephant to appear pink from time to time it nevertheless is real.
Or sun has been providing light for around for 3 billion years. It will shine for another 5 billion years and as such is a relatively long lived star. The average star in the heavens will burn out at or around the current age of our sun. During its reign as our savior the sun has produced vast amounts of energy daily some of which was stored away in fossil fuels many years ago. Energy from the sun is not only provided in the visible spectrum as light we see. Turbulent magnetic storms on the sun cause unseen solar radiation to be violently expelled from the sun some of which strike the earth causing electrical disturbances and causing the auroras. The suns strong magnetic fields influence the earth’s and other planets fields and conversely the planetary magnetic fields affect the suns. Magnetic disturbances on the sun are referred to as sunspots as the magnetism pulls away the surface exposing darker regions of the cooler interior. Typically the size of the earth, sunspots can have a dramatic affect on climate here on earth. There is a cycle of frequency of sunspots that has been observed which sees spots increase in number and then decrease. This cycle of sunspot activity is rhythmic and completes in approximately 11 years. This 11 year cycle corresponds closely with the orbit of Jupiter the strongest force, but is not exact; pointing to the likelihood the cycle is caused by all the magnetic planets acting on the sun and possibility magnetic forces outside the solar system.
Currently we are in a period of low sunspot numbers and we should expect an increase in sunspots to begin soon. Actually we should have seen an increase sooner. This cycle of sunspot activity has been unusually low for longer than average. Link So what effect would sunspots or the lack thereof have on earth and its inhabitants? It turns out sunspots have a dramatic effect on our climate. As sunspot activity increases, the shortwave radiation (blue waves) emitted by the sun increases. Oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere absorb these blue waves making the sky blue and increasing the earth’s temperature. The earth tries to cool itself by long wave radiation (red waves) emitting them back to space. The constituents of our atmosphere affect how fast the earth can radiate heat back into space using red waves to keep an even temperature balance . Co2 in the atmosphere blocks the red waves and thus more co2 affects the earth’s ability to cool off. This is classic global warming. During a low sunspot period the shortwave radiation emitted by the sun decreases and there is less heat buildup to radiate back to space. During this time the earth will gradually cool as it slowly emits more radiation than it absorbs. Co2 affects the rate of cooling however the cause of heating and cooling is the cycle of sunspots.
In 1645 there was a dramatic cooling that began and was correlated with low sunspot activity. Called the Maunder Minimum, this time saw global temperatures drop causing bitterly cold winters and disappointingly cool summers. Link Recorded climate change and sunspot activity has correlated since records began. Did you know Niagara Falls froze solid in 1911? Would an experienced sea captain steam full ahead if he thought there was any chance of hitting an iceberg? Link Unfortunately for us we are so concerned about global warming we have failed to recognize the important part the sun plays in our climate. Sunspot activity has dropped to the lowest levels since 1933 a correlation with the great depression that makes one wonder and the trend looks as if it may well continue. If it does our planet will begin to cool and we will find ourselves desperate to increase co2 emissions as a mitigating factor. Heresy you say! Yes. I agree because the only mitigating factor we have left is dirty coal.
Our political systems are lacking any credibility at this point. Corruption is rampant and corporations rule us whether we accept the truth or not. Elected persons play the crowds with help from corporate media and while there are genuine leaders wanting and willing to act for the greater good they are sideswiped by global powers. This corruption has spread to academia as well and with the promise of grants, funding and appointments our scientists have become untrustworthy. On top of all this is the fragmentary approach to problem solving, identifying only part of the equation and then trying to solve the whole and representing agendas instead of truths. Could it be this is all a test? Is there some cosmic lens watching us in amusement as we all jump from the kettle to the fire? I wonder. So here we are facing another crisis to solve and the only short term solution, agenda in toe, is to burn more carbon than ever before. Coal reserves will not last 200 years. The commonly quoted reserves are based on maintaining current burn rates and if we are to increase coal burning we must reduce the years we can burn it. An increase of co2 to decrease the effects of a sustained global cooling would require atmospheric concentrations 50% -100% higher yet. Thankfully there are as many tones of usable coal as there are AIG derivatives. Replacing oil and gas shortages and increasing co2 emissions 10% all by burning coal we could meet this goal and have reserves to last 40 years. Not a sustainable future but plenty of time for our leaders to engineer a more practical solution and to devise ways to remove the co2 from the atmosphere before the sunspots return. Not likely I know but in 40 years it’s not our problem. The resultant mercury and arsenic pollution (something we seem to be accustomed to now) will cause crop failures and mental abnormalities that will increase over time and at some point the empire must take notice but again the gradual nature will seem oddly natural. Finally building materials and even sunscreen will have to be modified to include alkaloid compounds to protect against acid rain and a leisurely afternoon walk in the park will include the obligatory detox when arriving back home.
This is all too surreal. At what point do we stop. Cosmic cycles, some longer and some shorter, drive earth changes. These forces are beyond any human capability to affect and perhaps even understand. We must learn to adapt to our world and not to try and conquer it. We are in fact actors not directors and our politicians are just extras called in to fill a role, and if you think Steven hawking has any credibility then you may be surprised to know he thinks we may just be shadows of reality like the images on a cosmic movie screen. Link So if this is just all a crash and burn movie then why should we bother endure the ever-increasing pitfalls and perils facing us in a seemingly staged event? A cosmic thriller whose reality is in question. What revelation could possibility make this drama all worthwhile? …the credits.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The dawning of suburbia
Could it be that we have it all wrong? It seems trends that have developed in our society don’t often reverse themselves, they just continue to evolve. Link The suburbs spread out in the 50’s and with super highways to commute to our jobs we had a quasi country home and the means to pay for it. As this sprawl continued to widen and as more and more commuters were sharing the highways the morning commute quickly became a nightmare and we found ourselves trapped in our idyllic lifestyle. Today, the size of the suburbs, the state of our infrastructure and the general frantic pace of our society has pushed the whole system to the breaking point. The cost to provide highways to our cities might shock some people. For a basic two lane road the costs run about $10,000/mile, to widen and improve a superhighway …$20,000,000/mile. Yes that’s 20 million per mile. Given these costs, it will come as no surprise this trend cannot continue. Originally the thinking was the population would have to move closer to cities and some utopic ideas were floated around regarding super green high-rises for everyone to live complete with self generated spring water and organic gardens on every terrace. A mixture of the Jetsons with Ma & Pa Kettle. This idea is quickly fading as crime rates continue to rise due to unemployment and poverty. The real trend is businesses moving to the people and we will see the suburbs evolve to mini cities concentrating on a few specialized product/service areas. Workers will commute on foot/bike or share a ride with a neighbor that works at the same business. People will begin to meet each other again and with shared interests, might actually get along. Small farming operations will sprout up around these mini-cities and local production will be the prevalent trade. The economic downturn will turn our cities into poverty ridden, hollowed out crime zones. Link The poor who cannot adjust will be left to fend for themselves in an ever increasing urban hell. In 2001, Argentina suffered an economic collapse that gives much insight into how populations will respond. Gangs of thugs roomed the cities looking for anything to steel and anyone to exploit. Link The police and emergency services were horded by the wealthy and the poor were left to the wolves. There is another startling lesson the argentine crisis showed us, namely that living a self sustaining/isolated country way is not a safe choice. Even the well armed rural residents were constantly attacked by roving gangs that were merciless once they overpowered their prey. With little risk of police or neighbors interfering these gangs spent days occupying rural homes robbing, vandalizing and severely abusing the homesteaders. As a similar crisis unfolds here at home the thin veneer of safety and security will begin to peel away. The future for a safe and sustainable lifestyle is the suburbs. Having a local specialized workforce with supporting farmers, handymen clerks and clergy living in support of each other is the safest and most practical evolution of our society. People you know and share a common bond. People willing to support your needs as your wellbeing will affect the community as a whole. This lifestyle will not be idyllic, actually knowing and interacting with your neighbor will provide the backdrop for drama that will make the antics on Desperate Housewives look mundane. But we must accept the reality of things to come and be ready to adjust. There is a lot of preparedness information being provided to help people get ready for these changes. Most of this information is helpful and practical but let’s not forget the most important item to add to our survival kits; …friends and family.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Jacket and Tie
A retail pound of coffee in 1980 was around $3. Today we pay around $6 for a pound and adjusted for inflation, retail coffee prices have fallen 10 to 20% in the past 25 years. Farmers producing coffee are getting a small fraction of the retail price. The trend in past years has been to organic growing practices and fair trade for growers to mitigate this disparity and improve coffee quality. During this period global trade had boomed and new coffee growers have entered the market from developing Asian markets forcing price competition and keeping improvements in sustainability at bay. Growers in new markets have no regard for environmental concerns and live in such poverty any price is acceptable. Coffee importers and traders have increased their profits over the years at a steady rate of return by exploiting emerging market poverty. Profit is paramount and all other concerns are secondary and subject to publicity. Larger and larger corporations form conglomerates or cooperate in back-room deals to play the growers off the consumers to maintain their supply chain and thus control of profits from the coffee trade. Globalism is fast becoming one large controlling company dictating the markets and supply and demand forces are becoming irrelevant. This is happening across all sectors and markets, domestic and foreign and is why real wages have declined worldwide when adjusted for inflation while corporations have continued with steady growth. So where is coffee with the current economic crisis and can we expect to have our morning fix in the future? Corporations will continue their control of the market in the face of new challenges. Climate change is lowering yields in traditional growing areas. The pace of change is making it hard to keep production levels up as new more suitable areas have to be cleared and planted. Ideas of sustainability and environmental responsibility have been shelved as governments are trapped in their own budgets and seeking desperate means for real tangible wealth. Today world shipping has declined because lines of credit for trade are untrustworthy however; in the near future world shipping will suffer from devastating energy costs raising coffee prices. Finally, an increased rate of domestic inflation to cover all the bailouts will reduce your purchasing power; all tolled coffee prices will rise dramatically. A good cup of coffee will be equated with a fine glass of wine and gone will be the days of the commune office coffee pot. The idea that Juan Valdez will come to your home with a fresh brew in the morning will be more fleeting than your 401k. Link This drive-thru is jacket and tie only….
Friday, April 10, 2009
In Aurum Nos Fides
Watching a shell game is quite amazing. The sleight of hand is difficult to detect even in the novice magician. Just when you’re sure the ball is under that shell, you discover there is no ball at all. New regulations will begin next week for the NY Mercantile Exchange to adjust their reserve policy of gold in a futures contract. What is this improvement to their policy? Well they can engage in a gold futures contract without actually having any gold. If you want delivery then you must settle for cash. All together now… Gold Bubble! Where is the Commodities Exchange Commission on this? First we have paper assets not backed by assets and now we have paper commodities not backed by commodities. The economic shell game is becoming so blatant I cannot understand how the population has not taken to the streets. Are we all on Prozac? It’s time we filtered the fluoride out of our drinking water and wake up to these tricks. Beware the magician but In Gold We Trust…